Flexible design
microrem to megarad
to assemble
model 6000 series Area Monitoring System is designed to measure
radiation in critical locations in any type of facility. Basically
the system comprises various detectors that connect to a readout
system. The readout system in turn can talk to a central computer
over an HPI network. Each part of the system, from the detector
to the readout is modularized. They may be used independently or
together in many different arrangements.
Alarms, fault detection, and interlocks are all handled by the readout.
The large alphanumeric displays show not only the radiation level
but also the units such as rad, rem, Sv, or CPM. Status and auxiliary
information is also displayed.
The detectors all contain electronics to condition the signal for
transfer to the readout. In general this is a pulse type signal
that is easily counted and transferred long distances. All the standard
detector types are available. These include ion chambers, proportional
counters, scintillators, and GM detectors.
The HPI network is the link between the various instruments. It
allows both multiple readouts, or multiple detectors. From a basic
simple area monitor of one detector and a one readout to a complicated
system for a whole facility the HPI network related components work
together. This allows practically unlimited flexibility in planning
your installation.
HPI manufactures a line of different instruments for the HPI network.
New instruments are being developed all the time that will work
with it. If you do not find one that suits your needs please contact
HPI. We may be able to alter an existing design to meet your needs
or design a new component.