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FWT and HPI manufacture radiation measuring products for the nuclear, physics, medical, and materials fields. Our products measure penetrating radiation: gamma, beta, alpha, neutron, and X-ray. We use chemistry, physics, and electronics disciplines in our products and are an employee owned company. FWT and HPI occupy the same building located at 330 South Kellogg Ave. Suite D, Goleta, CA 93117 USA. All products are made in the USA.

About FWT and HPI
FWT and HPI were founded over 25 years ago. Find out about their accomplishments.

Information and pictures of the staff at FWT/HP

Information about employment at FWT/HP

FWT is located in the beautiful Santa Barbara Area. Includes maps, area hotels and restaurants and directions to FWT.

Describes the quality system in place at FWT.

Far West Technology, Inc., 330 S. Kellogg Ave Ste D, Goleta, CA 93117

Fax: +1.805.964.3162 Tel: +1.805.964.3615 © 2006 Email: [email protected]