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Ion Chambers
Extrapolation Chambers
GM Detectors
LET Chambers
Gas Filling Systems
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Precision ionization chambers, and Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counters (TEPC) used to measure radiation, LET, and micro dosimetry. Detectors are used in physics, biological research, and space.
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Ion Chambers
Requires an electrometer and high voltage power supply

1CC Ion Chamber, IC-17 Series
Spherical, wide range of wall materials including Tissue Equivalent (TE) plastic

0.1CC Ion Chamber, IC-18 Series
Cylindrical, wide range of wall materials including Tissue Equivalent (TE) plastic

80CC Ion Chamber, IC-80
Spherical with TE or graphite wall

1000 CC Ion Chamber, IC-1000
Spherical, TE wall

Linear Energy Transfer Chambers
Requires an MCA, high voltage power supply and a gas filling apparatus.

0.5" ID Model LET-1/2
Spherical,TE wall, immersible

2.24" ID, Model LET-2
Spherical, TE wall, with shuttoff valve

Gas Filling System

Used to fill LET detectors

Model GFS-1
Manifold type with large sensitive gauge

Extrapolation Chamber
Requires an electrometer and high voltage power supply

Extrapolation Chamber, EIC-1
Guarded, with many options

GM Detectors
Requires a scaler and high voltage power supply

Model GM-1 & 2
Miniature GM counter with low neutron response, Li6 shield, built in preamp.

Linear Energy Transfer
Single Wire Chambers
Requires an MCA, high voltage power supply and a gas filling apparatus

0.5" ID Model LET-SW1/2
Spherical, TE wall, immersible

2.24" ID, Model LET-SW2
Spherical, TE wall, with shutoff valve

4.94" ID, Model LET-SW5
Largest LET detector, Spherical, TE wall, with shutoff valve

Environmental Instruments and Detectors

FW-AD1 Hawk Environmental Monitor
Data Logger for Gammas and Neutrons with LET spectrum
1055 Chipmunk Ion Chamber
Large chamber for environmental and pulsed radiation
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